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my body is my bank

my body is my bank

there is an old saying

it's money in the bank

i walk around and say

my body is my bank

my body is my bank 

it's how i make my money

it buys important things

it's money in the bank

i walk around always knowing

my body is my bank

my body is my bank

it's how i make my living

and every night's a payday

it's money in the bank

i walk around secure in it all

my body is my bank

my body is my bank

it's how i feed my habits

it's money to the dealer, my man, the landlord

it's money in the bank

it's food and diapers for my son

my body is my bank

my body is my bank

until it is no more

i owe the dealer, my man, the landlord

it's money down the drain

no more food or diapers

my body is my bank?

Jenny Olson

Published LEO Literary Journal Fall 2023