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Life of Contradiction

life of contradiction

who was I then?

who am I now?

will I ever know?

a hooker in a business suit?

little Midwest girl trying to be grown-up

trying to be the toughest

what an imposter she was

an addict just trying to get high

she thought no one could tell

but they all knew didn't they?

what an imposter she was

a student trying to fit in

who would have thought

she had lived such another life

what an imposter she was

a mother trying to be like the others

who would have thought

everything shoved so deep inside her

what an imposter she was

a businesswoman in a business suit?

her past pushed far in the back

so no one would know

what an imposter she was


she sits an old lady

who would have thought

she lived such a life of contradiction

she feeds her birds

she walks her dogs

she lunches with friends

all behind this wall of a life of contradiction 

Jenny Olson

Published LEO Literary Journal July 2023